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প্রোগ্রামিং ভাষার শ্রেণিবিভাগ

All Question - (38)

Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 8 months ago
Updated: 8 months ago
Machine Language
C Programming Language
Java Programming Language
None of these
Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 8 months ago
Updated: 8 months ago
Encapsulation, polymorphism
Encapsulation, inheritance
Polymorphism, overloading
Encapsulation, polymorrphism, and inheritance
Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 8 months ago
Updated: 8 months ago
Machine language, assembly language and high level language
Structural language, functional language and object oriented language
Imperative language, functional language and declarative language
all of these
Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 8 months ago
Updated: 8 months ago
anywhere of the object
only from its own class
parent class
child class